The first step in the digital creation of my wireframe is to establish a grid layout as moving forward this will help me have a neat look. The grid layout that I opted to use was 10 rows and 31 columns because my frame is a horizontally long and I feel as though this grid will help me when creating my wireframes. Although if i do come along any issues on the way I’ll be okay with changing my grid layout

The measurement for my frame is W2880, and H1024. I achieved this by placing two desktop frames together and and drawing a frame the same size as the 2 desktops


Frame 2.png

Frame 3.png

Frame 4.png

Frame 5.png

Frame 6.png

Frame 7.png

Frame 8.png


During the creation of my wireframes I received feedback from one of my peers and he told me that I had too much white space ad that it would benefit me to take advantage of the space I have and make some use of it. Hence I decided minimize the spaces between my shapes in my wireframes by using a 20px wide rectangle, this helped me improve my wireframe before adding content to them.

Brand creation

brand tiles.png




