Our first week in we covered the history of design, this was done in an interesting way, our tutor did a reverse history by covering how the world will and is currently interacting with technology, we covered gesture based interactions that are evident in our day to day lives, such as the infotainment system in certain cars enable the driver to control music and even accept or decline calls, we also covered how technology has advanced to the point that we can control the devices in our homes via one app. Something I vividly remember is watching a video for the launching of Apple’s Vision pro and all the magnificent features it comes with. We covered self driving cars, drones delivering parcels all the way to the olden days when they used to use letter blocks in print pressing

We also looked at some typefaces, who they were designed by and when they were designed, we were then given our first project which was to find some inspirations, choose a typeface, and then design a type specimen