
My tutor suggested that I make the tiles on my homepage appear individually on the yellow splash screen. I did so by spreading the tiles across six screens and applying an after delay of 200ms from screen to another with an ease in smart animation. This was a very good suggestion as it gave my AV a much smoother opening



Another feedback I got was to make yellow opaque rectangle solid as there was no need for it to have a low opacity with a background blur effect, my tutor advised that I go for a simple approach and not overcomplicate things. I took the advice on board and applied it to my work and I must say it looks better and clearer this way



My nav bar was a component and due to this the animations weren’t smooth because I was relying on the whole component aspect of it. My tutor critiqued this and said that it would be better if the words( screen titles) stayed fixed when tapping on for example the climate, this means that the words would stay fixed with only the nav bar itself moving. I tried multiple ways to make this possible and in the end I had to strip it all done and go back to the basics. i remade the nav bar and his time I didn't make it a component, I didn't even group them because I didn't want anything to disrupt the animation. I got this idea from my wireframe. I tried this out on my wireframe and then proceeded to apply it to the main project.


Daily Pay placement talk

Today we had a new company in our lecture who gave us a brief talk about what theyre about and the learning experiences they offer. Out of all the placements talks we has this was one of my favourite ones as Thomas was concise and straight to the point. The main thing that made excited to apply for this placement is that there is a high chance of my work being implemented in the products they push out; and as a student this got me very excited, the thought of seeing my work out there sounds fantastic.

Business Simulations placement talk

Another new company came in today and they also gave the class a brief talk on the services they provide. It was very interesting to learn that there is such company out there making business simulations to help people learn about how to start and manage a business as this reinforces decision making skills. Besides this they provide consultancy worldwide. They sounded very experimental with Figma prototyping. This is another company I am looking forward to apply to because I love prototyping on Figma.

SDG Brief

A new project brief was introduced to us in today’s lecture and this got me quite overwhelmed but in a good way, we were show some of the previous year students’ work and that really encouraged me to work hard and do something as equally good or better yet something surpassing.

We are to pick an SDG and conduct some research on it. We were instructed to have some style guides and visual grammar for our next lesson.

I am very much so looking forward to this and I plan to incorporate all that I’ve learned so far in this project.


Today’s class was quite fun in my opinion. The feedback I received was very valuable and I made sure to take notes of it so I can make the changes to my AV interface. Besides this it was very interesting and fun reviewing my peers’ work, I found it quite inspiring.