Translink recreaction
In today’s lecture I learned about how the 10 heuristics can be used to assess and evaluate a UI. It is commonly used to find dissatisfaction in a UI. I was was late to class on this day but I was there long enough to be intrigued by the lecture.

Visibility of System Status
- Keep users informed about what's happening with clear, timely feedback.
- Example: A loading spinner while a page is loading.
2. Match Between System and the Real World
- Use familiar language, symbols, and concepts. Align with users' expectations.
- Example: A trash can icon for "delete."
3. User Control and Freedom
- Allow users to undo or redo actions easily.
- Example: A "Cancel" or "Back" button in forms.
4. Consistency and Standards
- Follow platform conventions and ensure uniformity across the interface.
- Example: Keeping navigation menus in the same place on every page.
5. Error Prevention
- Design systems to minimize the chances of errors occurring.
- Example: Confirming before deleting an item.
6. Recognition Rather Than Recall